Crowe Genealogy Ireland and the World Pic 1

Authors bio

Born in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) to an Irish father and 'English' mother. Dragged up and educated in Manchester, England.

Ethnicity 43% Ireland, 42% British, 6% Swedish, 5% Finnish, 2%Borat Country and 1% Middle East. 1% Mysterious and unknown :)

Degree in Applied Biology & Microbiology, worked in research labs and became a Lab Manager. However, science is not me nor my whole life and later worked as a Handyman, Gardener / Garden Designer and Picture Framer and TEFL Teacher  amongst other things.

Keen sportsman and many interests and hobbies.

Genealogical interests

Basic family tree on Wikitree Crowe-937.  Also GedMatch no, WD3404946

My family line is one of several, possibly a dozen that lived on or around the mountain of Glenaneigh, west of Clonoulty, Tipperary and then 'streamed' away. It is now crowned with a wind turbine farm! Crowes from Kilcommon parish in the 1800s are almost certain to be related, Clonoulty possibly. Crowes from Cappawhite and Sologhead are related but more distantly.

I am connected to a group of people, now eleven, who are related to Crowe or are Crowes themselves. If you are interested I can help make contact with them.

Slowly, I am building up a network of people in other countries who are related to our Crowes too.

centered image

The Crowes exodus from Tipperary

My 4 closest trees -

Other names: Tierney, O'Leary, Devane / Davern, Ryan

tierneys crowes

The Family English (surname) in Ireland

other names: O'Dwyer, Cronin, Whelan, Waller, Crowe, Butler, Moloney, Neylin

the english-es in Ireland

The Grindeys of Staffordshire and southern Derbyshire, England

other names: Allsop, Hudson, Allcock, Hayes, Tarlton, Richardson, Gould, Clough

Moses Grindy

The Merging of Smith and Grindy at my GGrandparent level (Staffs & Manchester, England)

other names: Chatterton, Hudson, Jones, Gibbens, Yates, Elks, Holland, Marshall, McFaul, Robertson

smith grindy trees


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